What do you need? Have kit, will travel.
With over 45 years of film, television and theatre experience (the last 23 of which have been devoted almost exclusively to special makeup effects and makeup effects education) Todd Debreceni and BaPoFX are up to your project’s challenges.
We offer:
Commissioned artwork
Medical and Military moulage
3D Scanning & 3D Printing
Bespoke character and creature makeup
Makeup effect, and prop design
Mold making
Appliance casting
Prop fabrication
On-set MU and MUFX application
Lab work
Visual Effects (CGI) - it’s how we started
Creative & Art Direction
MU & MUFX training via classes, workshops, and seminars
at your school or business location
Are you interested in Bespoke Instruction
at your workplace or institution?
Please drop us a line on our Contact Us page.
We can design a custom curriculum for your interests, time frame and budget.